Dry Pastel, Acrylic, Charcoal & Colored Pencil

A Multi-Media Artist

Jen is a self-taught Canadian artist focusing on hyperrealism.

Never having taken an art class, all of her knowledge comes from watching & studying YouTube videos and researching the internet. While only starting to dabble in art from the end of 2020, Jen's passion has been a ferocious calling geared towards animal realism right from the start.

Having worked in Animal Health Care & Rehabilitation for 15yrs, Jen's love of animals and nature far surpasses a mere fondness, it is more of a kinship with these creatures and the great outdoors.

Even as a child, Jen felt closer to animals than she did most people. Her natural bond with animals is seen and felt in her works. She seems to somehow capture their essence, what THEY are feeling at the time their photograph is taken.

Time and again, people comment on the animals Jen paints & draws... "They seem so real, it is as if they are about to jump right out of picture!"

This is because of the countless weeks, sometimes months, Jen can spend on a painting. She studies every square inch of a photograph over and over, ensuring nothing is missed, every shadow and highlight, tint & hue is captured perfectly to convey the reality of every beautiful subject she works on.

Having just left her career in construction in 2024 to pursue art full time, it is Jen's mission to create art that everyone can afford.

Coming from a humble background, Jen left home as a young teenager. Putting herself through high school, college, working for many years for non-profits in animal care and even switching careers later in life into Oil & Gas construction.

She started at the bottom knowing nothing and teaching herself with each job and studying nights after work until she could challenge exams to become a Weld Inspector, Jen knows the trials and turmoil of striving for more when you have very little to start with.

Because of this, Jen is offering something very different to any potential customers who would like either their beloved pet or their favorite wild animal painted just for them who maybe can't afford a giant sized commissioned painting...

With her lab quality, industrial sized printer, Jen is able to offer a smaller, less expensive painting that she then photographs, edits & enhances with the help of AI to print as a canvas or paper print reproduction (from letter size up to 40"x70"!)for a fraction of the cost that it would be to paint that size by hand!

With Jen's background as a Quality Control Inspector and her keen attention to detail, you can rest assured that only the best will do. Nothing is rushed, it takes as long as it takes as each piece is different and comes to life in its own way.

The same is said for her reproductions. Every step of the way is done by Jen, from photography, to color editing, to printing to packaging... her heart and soul goes into every piece she makes.

Along with these unique options, is also the opportunity to have either your painting, or any of Jen's previous artworks, professionally printed on many different household items from mugs, to beach towels to blankets to shower curtains and everything in between!

While the household products are not printed by Jen, but professional textile printing companies, she stands by her promise of quality and workmanship with all products she sells.

If there is a product you want and it is not shown in the gift shop, simply send a message and it will be custom created for you!

You are able to customize your product with a name, a saying, your choice of color & font, or you can leave your artwork in it's original beauty. It is all up to you.

Don't forget to sign up to our newsletter (located in the footer). They are only sent out once a new painting is created, to give Jen's subscribers a chance to purchase originals before being announced publicly!

If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to reach out to Jen anytime.


Browse "Artwork" for Options by Painting & "Gift Shop" for Options by Product!