"Purple Moonlight"

Acrylic on Canvas Painting

The painting of "Purple Moonlight" depicts a serene scene of a full moon glowing in the sky above a tranquil lake. The lake is painted in shades of deep purples and dark blues, which beautifully reflect the moon's light. The sky above is also dark purple, giving a sense of quietness and calm.

In the foreground, a few dark bushes frame the edges of the lake, creating a sense of depth and perspective. The overall effect of the painting is one of stillness and peacefulness, as if the viewer is standing in a tranquil, otherworldly place.

Painting Info

About the Painting

The original painting of "Purple Moonlight" is an Acrylic Painting on stretched canvas.

Some digital editing has been done to "erase" the look of the canvas underneath and to smooth out the water and its reflections to give a calmer, more natural look.

About the Process

Jen Photographs all her own artwork and digitally edits as needed to curate the colors as close to the original as possible.

She also works with the most up-to-date photo editing & A.I. software to ensure quality resolution for prints of any size, on all the products you see before you.


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