"The Dolphins" Painting

"The Dolphins"


The painting showcases the iconic fiberglass water fountain that is located at the heart of downtown Kelowna in British Columbia, Canada.

The fountain features four dolphins jumping in unison, each with a unique pose that captures the essence of their fluid movement.

"The Dolphins" are crafted with intricate details, from their sleek and smooth skin to the individual contours of their fins and tails. The water spouting from the fountain adds an element of movement to the scene, creating a sense of energy and vitality.

The tall structure of the fountain dominates the surrounding landscape, with the buildings and trees of downtown Kelowna visible in the background.

The vibrant blue color of the water and the playful nature of the dolphins create a joyful and refreshing atmosphere that makes the fountain a beloved landmark of the city.

Overall, the painting captures the beauty and liveliness of the iconic fiberglass water fountain in downtown Kelowna, and its significance as a symbol of the city's identity and spirit.

Painting Info

About the Painting

"The Dolphins" are an iconic fiberglass Statue/Water Fountain, located downtown Kelowna, BC, in front of Waterfront Park. "The Dolphins" Waterfountain was created by artist Robert Dow Reid and installed in 1993.

The original painting of "The Dolphins", by artist Jen Myhre, is an original works created using multiple types of Dry Pastels on a specialty fibrous paper/board called Pastelmat.

About the Process

Jen Photographs all her own artwork and digitally edits as needed to curate the colors as close to the original as possible.

She also works with the most up-to-date photo editing & A.I. software to ensure quality resolution for prints of any size, on all the products you see before you.



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